This post explores 3 hills in the cybersecurity sales process (agents vs agentless, secure left vs secure right, and automation vs people) that aren't worth dying on.
A collection of 4 posts
Armor: We Put the SaaS in Security
This post explores 3 reasons why Armor puts the SaaS in security! SaaS allows Armor to focus on simplicity, actionable analytics and security outcomes.
Startup Vitamins: Never Stop Hacking
This post explores the startup mantra, "Never Stop Hacking." It will look at the phrases relevance to startup culture, my own business experience, and the impact it has had on my own life.
SaaS Insights on Value-Based Pricing, Onboarding and User Engagement from Product-Led Growth Frameworks
This post explores insights for SaaS companies regarding value-based pricing and user engagement from product-led growth frameworks.