We explore how web3 is leveling the playing field, enabling these creators to reach a global audience, and fostering collaboration within the streetwear community.
A collection of 4 posts
Hip Hop and the Evolution of Music Streaming: From MP3s to Blockchain
Hip hop has played a significant role in the evolution and innovation of music distribution, from the early days of file-sharing to the rise of streaming and blockchain-based platforms. This post explores!
Moms are a Positive Social Contagion!
Mothers around the world act as positive social contagions in the lives of those they touch. This post is an ode to my mother and all mom's who are the cornerstones of their flocks.
Dr. Staple Pigeon: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Stapleverse
This post explores the history of the Stapleverse NFT project, its future possibilities and why I LOVE the pigeons and am going all in on the collection!